"This is my kind of story, I am extremely impressed.You are an excellent and accomplished writer who has that wonderful capability of convincing the reader that the characters, locations and plot are allauthentic."
This blog features notes and pointers to all things connected to the writing and promotion of the novel After Goya.
You'll find stuff relating to the background of the novel, including Goya, the Spanish Civil War, food and drink, music, painting and places. And you'll find links to resources where you can explore topics in more depth. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy exploring this beyond the text experiment.
CONTRIBUTORS I'm more than open to featuring guest posts on aspects of Goya's art and life, the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath, and Spanish and Catalan food and drink. If you'd like to contribute a post please contact me at haarlsonphillipps@gmail.com.
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